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Monday, September 6, 2010


Why do people support Reaganomics?
It's a stupid theory that's only ruined the economy.  You don't give money to the companies.  They're already at top efficiency, why the hell would they waste money on more?
You give to the workers and suddenly demand is up and the companies have gotta hire more to keep up with it.  Then you got more people buying stuff and getting money, nearly every market suddenly sees business like a Tai hooker when the Navy docks.


  1. Ravonomics: Give money to the ravers? It may not stimulate the economy but it'll be a lot more fun living in it :P Stop by and...

    (Comment too long. Click here to view.)

  2. reminds me of robot chicken. Also supporting and following, expecting the same. Thanks and be excellent.

  3. found this very cool

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  4. I never thought of it that way... interesting
